by OkamiKodomo » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:41 pm
Very frustrated with the job thing, and even though I've only been with the company for two years, I think I may need to take up the hunt.
I submitted a statement to the area manager with everything that's been going on, including the physical threats, the temper tantrums, and the way he talks to me and treats me. He conducted an "investigation" and apparently couldn't find anything. So now I have to go back to work with this nutbag, I'm expected to act as though nothing ever happened, and the area manager has now renegged on MORE of his promises to me, saying I can't have another job without approval from him, and keep full availability open, even though it's a part time job. He claims he took my statements very seriously, but he couldn't ask direct questions, and even said that I supposedly asked for statements from other employees, which I never did.
On the recast Ducan, we dropped the claim with the post office because they would need to confiscate the item if we claimed the insurance money, which is understandable. But the seller on ebay is claiming she had no idea it was a recast because it was a gift, and she'll refund us if we send the doll back (and pay for the shipping ourselves). However, even if she hadn't been trying to fix him, who's to say this person wouldn't just resell it to someone else? According to what we found on the Dream of Doll discussion thread, the exact item had already been reported and taken down, only to be reposted again almost immediately after.

Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!