I've had someone express a desire to buy Klar from me once, so I quoted a the price at a few thousands because, while I don't mind selling him off, it was a huge pain to piece him together, so it'd be just as time consuming to find all the parts and put a second version of him together again. After all, I spent an entire year trying to track down JUST the body I wanted (the company that makes it won't sell the body separately). Personally, I have no problems with anyone trying to duplicate Klar (or any of my characters, for that matter) on their own. As long as they're not literally stealing them from me, I'm totally cool with that. XD
I also had an elderly woman offer to buy my Ciel when I was at a doll meet, but his body was limited edition (with only one on the secondary market, which the seller refuses to split), so I declined to sell him.
I never had any younger cousins attempt to touch or grab my dolls because I'm very open about how much they cost and I tend to keep them locked in my room whenever guests are over. One of my uncles asked to hold Yuubris once, and he remarked, "I'm giving her back to you because it feels like I'm holding $200."