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Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands *and other small stuff

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 3:39 pm
by DollyKim

Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands- assorted minis of real foods and personal care items. No exact scale but loosely 1/6-1/4.

Except for metallic and gold variants all the items are "common" according to their collector's guide so don't get taken by sellers wanting stupid prices on line, however loose lots can be reasonably priced.

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:03 pm
by maywong
Where did you get these?

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:18 pm
by davidd
My local Walmart carries Zuru Mini Toys but not the Mini Brands. Apparently the retail price should be around five dollars per ball (each ball contains 5 mini prize items), but online prices for the Mini Brands seem to be twice to three times that much.

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:01 pm
by DollyKim
The two in the pic I got at Wal Mart but I also ordered a few loose batches online to get some of the items I particularly wanted. It's worked out to get me most of the common ones with a few duplicates, no big, for no more than $2 each including shipping which I feel is a fair enough price.

Been there and done the plastic crack thing with the Rement. The way my brain can drive me nuts I feel better knowing the dolls will have strawberry Suave. Now it's just getting a box of Twinkies and a bottle of Kikoman Teriyaki sauce like the big people. They also got the name brand Shopkins for Easter because those have Circus Animals.

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:37 pm
by Kattriella
davidd wrote:My local Walmart carries Zuru Mini Toys but not the Mini Brands. Apparently the retail price should be around five dollars per ball (each ball contains 5 mini prize items), but online prices for the Mini Brands seem to be twice to three times that much.

Give it a couple weeks. It took mine about a week to actually get them on the shelf after they got a spot for them. They should end up being right beside the pink and blue balls once they get them in. Some stores are more behind than others on getting their shelves set, it seems. You can try checking online to see if your local store has them in yet. That's what I did. They seem to be super popular, so they sell out quickly. (That, or you get people like me who buy what's left of the case at a time . . .) Definitely DON'T pay the scalpers' prices. Just wait a couple weeks for the initial craze to die down, they'll start appearing in stores more frequently.

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:07 am
by DollyKim
And doubles are cool for trading because I still need some.

Or make jewelry out of them. I'm already pondering how to turn them in to charms, maybe using tiny eye hooks and glue?

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:11 am
by Kattriella
DollyKim wrote:And doubles are cool for trading because I still need some.

Or make jewelry out of them. I'm already pondering how to turn them in to charms, maybe using tiny eye hooks and glue?

I'm planning to make a supermarket scene at some point (plus, all my dolls are roommates, and no one likes to share their stuff), so I just keep my doubles, but I can somehow picture people trading doubles of their minis like we used to trade Pokemon cards back in the day. Seriously, I feel like these Mini Brands are going to be super popular once more doll collectors hear about them.

Zuru, your first round of 5 Surprise balls might have been disappointing, but the Mini Brands were a great idea.

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:25 pm
by DollyKim

This is definitely a scale called 'fits in the package' like Re Ment does. Then again there's something cute about small dolls and slightly too big stuff.

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:36 am
by maywong
I finally found these at my Walmart.

Re: Zuru 5 Surprise Mini Brands

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:16 pm
by DollyKim
Mkay, I have a good 2/3-3/4 of these, missing like Spam, Twinkies and Mentos, so if you want to see a certain scale of doll with something let me know.